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 The Montrose Kiwanis and Lions Community Service Clubs are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the 2024 Montrose PA July 4th Celebration. This year’s theme is “USA - Living and Working in Unity” and will mark the 47th year of celebrating the event coordinated and sponsored by the two Clubs.


The July 4th Celebration is a major fund raiser for both Lions and Kiwanis clubs.  All of the monies raised are used to provide services and programs to those in need throughout our communities. Some of those Community Service projects and programs include the following: the Kiwanis Club provided over $10,000 in funding to both the Elk Lake and Montrose Schools 6th grade classes for a class trip to Hershey Park, $9,000 to Susquehanna County Interfaith’s Christmas Program to provide toys and clothing for families in need, and $5,000 to Interfaith for construction and improvements to their new Thrift Store in Montrose. The Lions Club provided $19,000 in funding for the United Fire Company, $18,000 in funding to the Susquehanna County Library and $9,000 for the Summer Lunch Program.

The Kiwanis and Lions Clubs wish to extend an opportunity to become an integral part of this community event by becoming a Sponsor. Sponsorships are as follows:


•Acknowledgement in Newspaper


•Acknowledgement in Newspaper


• Acknowledgement in Newspaper
• Name on Banner in Parade


• Acknowledgement in Newspaper

• Name on Banner in Parade


• Acknowledgement in Newspaper
• Name on Banner in Parade

• Business Link on
4th of July Website


• Acknowledgement in Newspaper
• Name on Banner in Parade

• Business Link on
4th of July Website


• Acknowledgement in Newspaper
• Name on Banner in Parade
• Business Link on
4th of July Website
• Facebook Posts with Business Info

$1.5 K-$2K

• Acknowledgement in Newspaper
• Name on Banner in Parade
• Business Link on
4th of July Website
• Facebook Posts with Business Info

Sponsor contributions should be in the form of a check payable to “Montrose PA July 4th Celebration” and mailed to:

Montrose, PA July 4th Celebration

P.O. Box 345, Montrose, PA 18801

Contact Ed DeWitt (Treasurer) for more information:

(570) 278-3537

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